安全、可扩展的IoT 设备管理

Digi 国际 Digi 国际

From shopping mall kiosks to busy traffic intersections to vast industrial sites, the Internet of Things (IoT) enables corporate and industrial enterprises, medical facilities and public sector organizations to control equipment and deliver services in ways that were not even possible a decade ago. Millions of IoT devices are now deployed across cities and remote sites around the world. And IoT device management is a critical component of those solutions.

Network managers require IoT device management tools to quickly update all their devices, improve functionality, add features, and roll out security patches. IoT network managers always need visibility into what is happening with devices in the field. Their small staffs need the scale provided by automation, and an active 24/7 monitoring service acting as their eyes and ears in the field, and alerting them to issues in need of their attention.

在我们最近的网络研讨会上,ElectriCities 公司的约翰-科茨分享了如何 Digi 远程管理器 - Digi 的IoT 设备管理平台使他的组织能够在整个地区扩大运营规模。凭借对不断扩大的部署的可视性以及识别和管理问题的能力,ElectriCities 能够识别和管理关键问题并进行预防性维护。

正确的IoT 设备管理解决方案将监控设备配置,并修复整个网络的配置异常。没有这些功能,IT 和项目团队就无法扩大覆盖范围。他们无法将规模扩大到几十台设备以上,也无法指望保持对基础架构性能的可见性、管理安全性或以具有成本效益的方式保持设备的最新性和合规性。简而言之,如果设备因某种原因离线,网络管理员可能毫无察觉。

在这篇博文中,我们将介绍Digi Remote Manager (Digi RM) 如何解决这些问题,并为IoT 设备管理提供 "单一窗口"。我们将探讨 Digi RM 如何处理IoT 管理的四个关键方面,并向您介绍一些客户使用案例。

Digi Remote Manager:智能网络的指挥中心

Digi Remote Manager 是一个托管的IoT 设备管理平台,它扩展了 Digi 硬件的安全性和功能,通过集中管理将分散在各地的设备转变为一个智能、互联的网络。重复性的人工任务被自动化,只需简单确认IoT 设备是否正常工作、排除故障并自动修复问题。
通过 Digi RM,每台设备都经过安全验证,并可按需进行配置、监控和更新。 所有这些功能都可通过一个供网络管理员使用的中央管理控制面板实现。除全套工具外,Digi Remote Manager 还提供移动应用程序,用于IoT 现场设备管理。


IoT 设备监控和管理用户和设备的安全认证是构建IoT 网络的关键第一步。Digi RM 可帮助用户管理基于证书的配置,以确保证书的真实性和每个会话的正确验证。

Digi 对IoT 安全采取 "深度防御 "方法,通过 Digi 综合安全框架 Digi TrustFence 的租户,采用多种策略确保设备和部署的安全。 Digi TrustFence 支持双因素身份验证,并确保 Digi 产品随附唯一的默认密码。


When devices are initially installed in the field, technicians focus on the physical task of ensuring devices are securely anchored, properly connected and protected from the elements. Their time is best spent on those tasks which can only be performed on site. Digi Remote Manager automates device configuration, firmware updates and uploads of file system contents, so technicians can deploy devices and have them automatically receive custom configurations, based on assignment to an organizational group.
Custom configurations can be constructed by pre-registering a device and assigning it to a group using Digi RM’s Configuration Manager, with its drag-and-drop technology. With this capability, administrators can easily scale for deployments of many thousands of devices and still manage them with a minimal team. Without Digi RM, it is challenging to deploy and manage more than a small handful of distributed devices.


Digi RM 仪表板具有清晰、直观的饼图和条形图,可让用户一目了然地了解网络性能。用户可以点击任何图表或指标,深入了解更多细节。仪表盘布局也可定制,任何可用的部件都可以根据需要重新排列,将最重要的信息放在最前面和中心位置。


管理员可以通过 "设备设置 "页面设置警报以监控设备状态,并在发生意外更改时自动恢复已批准的配置。如果网络中断,他们还可以通过内置终端控制台 "带外 "远程访问设备。当设备分散在广阔的地理区域时,这一点尤为重要,因为用卡车运往每个地点的成本都很高。
此外,最受欢迎的可用性功能之一是可选的 "暗色模式 "界面(在暗色背景下显示浅色文本),这使得 Digi RM 在不同的光线条件下更容易阅读。这对在户外强光下工作的现场技术人员尤其有帮助。

管理IoT 现场设备维护和更新

Digi RM can help administrators maintain nearly all the different components of the “IoT stack,” including hardware, software and cloud-based applications, tools, middleware and firmware, as well as edge devices. Devices maintain an encrypted, bi-directional connection with Digi RM, so users can download new business logic whenever necessary.
Digi RM provides flexible customization with a full suite of web services APIs, which can be used to implement and integrate with third-party applications, such as cloud services like Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, or Google Cloud. The API Explorer in Digi RM empowers you to learn and explore APIs interactively. You can browse quickly through available APIs, execute requests and review responses in real time.

Digi Remote Manager 行动中

IoT 农业设备管理
为了深入了解 Digi RM 的实际优势,以下是 Digi 客户在日常部署中使用该应用程序的实例。

电子城市 北卡罗来纳州电力公司是北卡罗来纳州及邻近各州电力公用事业合作社的伴随服务公司。他们维护着一个复杂的通信网络,收集来自电表、发电机和远程终端设备(RTU)等远程信息处理设备的数据。ElectriCities 利用 Digi RM 监控已部署的 Digi 蜂窝设备的配置,一旦出现问题,Digi RM 可以自动补救,并将配置恢复到批准的设置。Digi RM 能够从单一入口点监控和管理大型部署,这使 ElectriCities 团队能够轻松扩展,在不增加人员的情况下满足日益增长的客户需求。
维克公司 通过无线方式访问实时温度记录信息,可帮助建筑项目经理随时了解关键基础设施项目中敏感的混凝土养护过程。传感器信息由 Digi Connect® 传感器+ 手机IoT 网关 Digi RM 使施工团队能够通过智能手机和个人电脑对大型传感器阵列进行近乎实时的远程监控。
EnlazzaEnlazza是一家为智利公用事业和工业企业提供主机名服务的公司,它利用Digi RM中的API帮助客户通过蜂窝网络可靠地连接到Digi设备,而在智利市场上,获得公共、静态的APN非常困难。Enlazza开发了一个应用程序,使用命令行界面与Digi RM持续通信,因此经过简单的注册过程后,Enlazza就会向客户发送一个链接,自动创建VPN隧道连接到现场设备。Digi RM 使这些客户能够监控路由器、验证电源状态、连接状态,并在必要时修改设备配置。

Command Alkon's TrackIt product is a vehicle telematics product that utilizes the Digi Wireless Vehicle Bus Adapter and Digi Remote Manager to monitor vehicle fleet in transit to and from construction sites. The solution provides an enormous amount of real-time data for insights and decision making. For example, it enables dispatchers to check fuel status, engine temperature, and other diagnostic data, as well as the vehicle location, so they can slow down or speed up dispatches of concrete to construction sites to ensure the exact pacing needed.  

Digi Remote Manager 功能升级

Finally, in recent releases of Digi Remote Manager, we have introduced an updated user interface with many exciting new features designed to make the platform even more intuitive and user-friendly. With its full suite of automated device management functionality Digi RM simplifies the management of IoT devices and enables network administrators to focus more of their attention on the business benefits of IoT.

Contact us today to discuss how Digi RM can deliver more flexibility, more control and — most important — more value for your Digi IoT implementation.

了解适用于工业IoT 应用的坚固可靠的 Digi IX20 蜂窝路由器


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