Digi 移动 VPN

安全的 VPN 服务,为关键通信提供持久、安全的连接

  • 符合数据加密标准:FIPS 140-2、AES 256、FBI、CJIS、FirstNet Capable™ 支持
  • 强大的设备验证:证书交换
  • 组策略管理和分割隧道
  • 公共安全标准级别(FirstNet Capable™)
  • 无缝漫游,实现可靠、安全的传输连接
  • 单点登录带来更好的用户体验
  • 会话持久性可确保应用程序的持续连接性
  • 更快、更可靠地访问数据
  • 提高生产力和效率
  • 易于维护和支持,减少从现场致电 IT 部门的次数
  • 集成Digi Remote Manager®实现云端管理
  • Digi SAFE™解决方案的主要增值服务
  • 利用 Digi Mobile VPN 和Digi WAN Bonding实现安全的持续连接、WAN 聚合和即时故障切换

Digi Mobile VPN is a key addition to the Digi SAFE solution, available as a value-added service to Digi routers through Digi Remote Manager. Digi Mobile VPN enables users to create a secure connection between their data centers and the Digi router, including connected (wired or wireless) smart devices.

digi-mobile-vpn-diagramThis service offers persistent, secure connectivity, utilizing Digi Remote Manager (Digi RM) as the central portal for orchestrating the mobile VPN setup and deployment. Digi Mobile VPN, powered by Radio IP, provides a highly secure mobile VPN software solution developed to address the exacting needs of mission critical communications including FirstNet® support for emergency responders.

Digi Mobile VPN 使通信能够在一个移动 VPN 连接中同时无缝穿越多个独立网络,确保各种移动工作人员(无论其身处何地)的安全不间断连接,同时超越数据保护规定。

Digi 设备提供一系列连接选项,包括具有Digi SureLink®、基于策略的路由选择和接口绑定等功能的蜂窝故障切换。这些功能可有效防止任何外部网络故障导致停机。

作为 Digi RM 的一项重要附加服务,Digi Mobile VPN 可从中央门户轻松集成,以增强整个网络的稳健连接。使用Digi RM管理设备和网络连接,可通过单一指挥点利用我们久经考验的远程管理平台。Digi RM的监控和管理功能使您可以从任何地点轻松查看和控制设备。

Digi Mobile VPN with Digi Remote Manager

Developed with a technology partner, Radio IP, Digi Mobile VPN provides versatility, performance and reliability to bolster public safety efforts, improve response times, and enhance overall situational awareness for first responders and agencies.Digi Mobile VPN diagram

Enhanced privacy and security with session persistence

Privacy should ensure that no third parties — including the VPN provider — can identify individual VPN users or see their online activity by monitoring the VPN connection. This is partially accomplished by employing strong security measures. Digi routers are designed with encryption built in, and integrated Digi Mobile VPN security offers an easy-to-use solution. These technologies are used to ensure that data is kept confidential, is not modified in transit, and only travels between trusted parties.

  • Secure VPN protocol such as OpenVPN, L2TP, SSTP, or IKEv2
  • Channel encryption must minimally use the AES 128-bit algorithm and be tested with AES 256-bit algorithm
  • Authentication protocol must be SHA256 or better
  • Key exchange (RSA and DH keys) must be 2,048-bit or higher
  • Perfect forward secrecy: session keys cannot be compromised even if the private key of the server is compromised
  • DNS leak protection, WebRTC lead prevention and IPv6 leak prevention must be built into the VPN connection
  • VPN traffic shall persist when the VPN connection drops, with persistence algorithms between the Digi router and VPN server
  • The provider must operate its own DNS servers and not route DNS requests through the default ISP or a public provider such as OpenDNS or Google DNS
  • Physical servers are preferred as they leave no room for ambiguity around which country’s data privacy laws apply
Reliability with increased speed and reduced latency

A VPN’s primary purpose is to ensure privacy and security online, but no one wants to compromise speed. High speed is always a top priority of first responder communications. Digi transportation cellular routers feature hardware acceleration, meet the U.S. government cybersecurity FIPS 140-2 standard, and employ speed and latency tests for maximum performance and reliability across private and secure Internet connections.

Built-in capabilities with DAL OS and value-added services

With Digi Accelerated Linux (DAL OS) embedded in Digi devices, an extensive set of software features and capabilities are built into firmware that is signed, vetted and distributed as part of our Digi TrustFence®-approved standards. Digi Mobile VPN reduces cost with a single license on the router for all connected devices to the router, without needing to run a client on each connected device.

When a client enables Mobile VPN in Digi RM and configures their Digi devices remotely or locally in DAL OS, the default route for any traffic is through the Mobile VPN connection. There is no extra client necessary and the standard DAL IPsec implementation is sufficient to get started. This can be managed by the customer, by Digi Professional Services or by a Digi partner.

Digi Mobile VPN can also be combined with Digi WAN Bonding for 5G/LTE WAN aggregation and immediate failover. This further optimizes speed and throughput with reduced latency, with WAN smoothing, hot failover and packet duplication.

Digi Mobile VPN Application Examples and Use Cases

Digi Mobile VPN offers a secure and reliable communication solution for public safety organizations including a range of use cases where a mobile VPN can enhance law enforcement and first responder fleet operations.

  • Emergency response coordination
    Facilitate real-time communication and data sharing with first responders, law enforcement and emergency medical services during critical incidents, enabling efficient coordination and resource allocation.
  • Surveillance and video streaming
    Enable secure live video streaming from incident sites to command centers, enhancing situational awareness for decision-makers and enabling timely responses to unfolding events.
  • Mobile command centers
    Establish secure mobile command centers with VPN connectivity, allowing remote access to critical data, communication channels, and resources during large-scale emergencies.
  • Remote dispatch and dispatch-to-unit communication
    Provide seamless communication between dispatchers and field units, ensuring accurate information exchange, location tracking, and efficient task assignment.
  • Vehicle telematics and fleet management
    Monitor and manage the locations, routes, and status of public safety vehicles in real-time, as cellular coverage changes, optimizing response times and ensuring the safety of personnel.
  • Crisis communication and notifications
    Disseminate alerts, updates, and notifications to field personnel, ensuring they have the most up-to-date information during evolving situations.
  • Incident reporting and data collection
    Streamline the process of documenting incidents and collecting data in the field, enhancing accuracy and accessibility of information for investigations and analysis.
  • Remote access to databases and resources
    Enable authorized personnel to securely access databases, records, and resources from the field, ensuring they have the information they need to make informed decisions.
  • Disaster recovery and network resilience
    Ensure communication continuity in challenging conditions during natural disasters or network failover by providing redundant, reliable connectivity options that keep critical communications operational.

Features and Benefits of Digi Mobile VPN

  合规性 认证 管理层 Public Safety 生产率
Digi 移动 VPN Complies with data encryption standards 强大的设备验证:证书交换 Group policy management Public safety standard grade 更快、更可靠地访问数据
FIPS 140-2, AES 256, FBI, CJIS, FirstNet Capable™ Single sign-on Split tunneling FirstNet Capable for emergency response Simultaneously manage multiple networks
Session persistence Digi Remote Manager integration Seamless roaming Easy to maintain/support


Use Cases for Digi Mobile VPN

  定制应用 益处
Digi 广域网绑定使用案例 Persistent, secure and critical connectivity Session persistence and security to ensure constant application connectivity
Public safety and emergency response Uninterrupted connectivity for mobile workforces with fast, reliable access to data
Mass transit, buses, trains and paratransit vans Improved user experience with single sign-on, seamless roaming and easy maintenance

Digi Mobile VPN is available as a subscription added to Digi Remote Manager Premier. Additional value-added services and subscription options are also available.



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