
Environmental Monitoring to Track Conditions and Processes

Track environmental parameters in energy, agriculture, smart cities and more


Remote environmental monitoring solutions keep industries safe, efficient and productive — with mission critical connectivity, sensor data and alerts

Industries ranging from oil and gas production to water management to agriculture use Digi IoT technology to transmit data on environmental conditions and monitor the safety and performance of machines and systems.

24/7 reliability

Around-the-clock environmental monitoring requires reliable failover solutions that can switch from a disrupted wired connection to an always-on, high-speed cellular connection automatically.

Monitor conditions – anywhere

Accurate monitoring is essential for proactive decision making and management. Get alerts in real time, 24/7/365, to prevent hazards from becoming disasters. Whether your sensors are local or remote, Digi has you covered.

Save on data costs

Companies can save money on data costs by transmitting only data that needs a response. That‘s the advantage of environmental monitoring solutions with edge computing capabilities.

查看 Digi 嵌入式或网络解决方案

Digi IX10

Compact, cost-effective, industrial-grade router

  • LTE Cat 4
  • Redundant connectivity with dual SIMs and Digi SureLink®
  • Industrial rated to 70° Celsius (158° Fahrenheit)
  • 应用实例
    • Connectivity for industrial sensors
    • Connectivity for pollution monitoring
    • Industrial controls

Digi IX20

Durable, industrial-class routing

  • LTE Cat 4, with swappable Digi CORE® modems for selecting Cat speed
  • 双 SIM 卡、双以太网、单串口
  • Industrial rated to 70° Celsius (158° Fahrenheit)
  • 应用实例
    • Connectivity for gas pipeline
    • Connectivity for leak detection in extreme conditions

Digi IX30

Intelligent 4G LTE router for infrastructure and industrial applications

  • C1D2 和 ATX 额定:NEMA TS2 温度等级
  • Global LTE and HSPA+ and 4G LTE
  • Ethernet, serial, Modbus
  • DIN 导轨或架式安装
  • 应用实例
    • 工业自动化
    • 流量计
    • 传感设备

Digi Connect 传感器+

Battery-powered cellular gateway

  • Weatherproof enclosure
  • Configurable I/O for multiple sensor types
  • Remote diagnostics
  • Threshold and delta alarms
  • 应用实例
    • Reservoir and river level monitoring
    • Groundwater and aquifer monitoring
    • Leak detection on earthen berms
Digi RM

Digi Remote Manager


一流的监控和管理确保您可以将部署扩展到任何规模的机群。Digi Remote Manager® 为您提供一个单一、安全的平台,让您随时随地访问数据和管理设备。简单、安全的控制使您的部署步入正轨--编辑配置、更新固件、监控、计划和自动执行任务--所有这些都可以从您的台式机或平板电脑上完成。


Go-To 5G 连接


利用 5G 的速度和容量,支持独特的购物环境和体验。 了解我们的 5G 解决方案

Digi IoT environmental monitoring solutions are secure and reliable

With Digi products, you can be assured of a long service life and security that is second to none.

Digi SureLink®

持续连接对于无线通信至关重要。Digi SureLink 的 "保持连接 "功能可确保您的连接在需要时随时随地都在。 了解有关 Digi SureLink 的信息

Digi TrustFence Security®

关键应用程序需要可靠的安全性,以确保数据和网络始终受到保护。全面的 Digi TrustFence® 安全框架简化了确保联网设备安全的过程。 了解 TrustFence 如何工作

From pipeline monitoring for the oil and gas industry, to measuring the moisture content of soil in agriculture, to detecting and reporting oil leaks and pollutants, Digi cellular routers play a key role in a range of environmental monitoring use cases. Learn about the Digi IX20 4G LTE router.

Digi Support for Asset and Environmental Monitoring


Digi 的系统级安全架构采用 PKI、IPsec 和 SCEP,以较低的运营成本抵御网络攻击。与许多同类竞争产品不同的是,开放式系统认证协议允许使用多供应商数据中心设备。


Digi Remote Manager® 为每条通信链路提供有关延迟和可用性的性能指标,以及用于离线分析的详细报告。管理员可随时使用行业标准 iperf 执行速度测试,评估峰值吞吐量,以便快速检测和解决网络问题。


After a router is deployed, Digi Remote Manager® retains a full copy of the configuration, which simplifies both the initial installation and any replacement down the road. This improves maintenance efficiency, eliminating the need for highly trained personnel to be deployed to the field.


Industrial-rated Digi cellular routers are hardened and tested to perform in highly demanding environmental conditions. These include products that meet the industry standard TS2 specification. Mounting accessories include DIN rail brackets for use in a range of indoor and outdoor cabinets.

Digi XBee® 3 Cellular Module

Flexible cellular connectivity for IoT

  • 为边缘计算集成 MicroPython 编程功能
  • 通过 CE/RED 认证
  • Optimized for long battery life
  • Embedded Digi TrustFence® security
  • 应用实例
    • Weather monitoring
    • Logging field data
    • Monitoring and controls in city lighting

Digi XBee® Long Range RF Module

Programmable functionality

  • Superior LOS range with high-gain antenna
  • 空中固件更新
  • 高级睡眠模式
  • Embedded Digi TrustFence® security
  • 应用实例
    • Hydrocarbon monitoring for oil and gas facilities
    • Avalanche monitoring
    • Waste reduction

Digi ConnectCore® SOM Family

Scalable for multiple product lines

  • Android, Linux and Yocto Project® support
  • Pre-certified wireless connectivity
  • Embedded Digi TrustFence® security
  • 应用实例
    • Industrial plant emission monitoring
    • Leak detection monitoring
    • Hazardous condition monitoring

Digi LoRaWAN 入门套件

Scalable microservices platform for low-power, wide-area networking

  • Supports LoRaWAN open standard product development
  • HXG3000 gateway
  • Supports ST® Nucleo and Arduino® platforms
  • 应用实例
    • Bridge vibration monitoring
    • Water quality monitoring
    • Wellhead monitoring
    • Oilfield monitoring
Digi RM

Digi Remote Manager


一流的监控和管理确保您可以将部署扩展到任何规模的机群。Digi Remote Manager® 为您提供一个单一、安全的平台,让您随时随地访问数据和管理设备。简单、安全的控制使您的部署步入正轨--编辑配置、更新固件、监控、计划和自动执行任务--所有这些都可以从您的台式机或平板电脑上完成。


Digi IoT environmental monitoring solutions are secure and reliable

With Digi products, you can be assured of a long service life and security that is second to none.

Digi 无线设计服务(WDS)

Digi 无线设计服务(WDS)帮助公司利用嵌入式技术开发创新型环境监测产品,并将产品更快地推向市场。 准备就绪 关于 Digi WDS

Digi TrustFence Security®

关键应用程序需要可靠的安全性,以确保数据和网络始终受到保护。全面的 Digi TrustFence® 安全框架简化了确保联网设备安全的过程。 了解 TrustFence 如何工作

IoT supports automation and monitoring processes in wind, solar, electric vehicle technology, environmental monitoring, smart agriculture and more. Tour the landscape of environmental initiatives supported by IoT to learn how Digi solutions play a key role in the global shift to Green Tech.

Digi Support for Asset and Inventory Monitoring


Many of Digi's developer building blocks, such as Digi XBee® modules, come pre-certified for multiple regions to meet the needs of wireless sensing networks worldwide. And Digi XBee Tools help simplify and expedite product development.


Whether you are developing solutions for indoor environmental monitoring or for harsh outdoor environments, Digi embedded solutions are built for a reliable service life of a decade or more.


Digi embedded solutions are supported with tools, code libraries, building blocks and documentation to speed your time-to-market. Digi ConnectCore® SOM solutions come with complete, open-source development tools.


Digi RF and cellular modules are designed to optimize power management and battery usage. In mesh networks based on the DigiMesh® protocol, OEMs can also enable sleep mode, which further extends battery life.