Digi XBee 手机调制解调器 LoRaWAN 射频模块 网关 Development kits 软件和工具

Digi XBee 工作室

Free multi-platform application that enables developers to manage Digi XBee devices through a simple-to-use graphical interface

  • Deploy on multiple platforms: Digi XBee Studio is compatible with the most popular operating systems, including Microsoft Windows, macOS and Linux.
  • Discover your devices: Automatically discover Digi XBee® devices connected to your computer, regardless of their port connections or configured settings.
  • Configure any device: Manage and configure multiple Digi XBee devices at once, including devices enrolled in your Digi Remote Manager® account located anywhere in the world.
  • Communicate with your devices: Use the new smart Digi XBee console to communicate with your devices regardless of what operating mode they are configured for (API or transparent).
  • Access a range of tools: Use embedded tools to perform operations like creating Digi XBee profiles or recovering your devices.
  • Get automatic updates: Automatically update the application itself, as well as the radio firmware library, without downloading any extra files.

Digi XBee® Studio is the definitive tool to manage and configure Digi XBee devices. The application includes embedded tools that make it easy to set up, configure, communicate with and test Digi XBee modules.

The first thing you need to do in order to work with Digi XBee devices in Digi XBee Studio is to add them to the tool. In Digi XBee Studio, this is easier than ever.

Simple set up and connectivity

Just after startup, Digi XBee Studio will look for Digi XBee devices connected to your computer automatically. As modules are found, they will appear in the device browser view. The devices browser view displays all the devices connected to your computer, but you can also manage remote Digi XBee devices registered in a Digi Remote Manager account switching to the Cloud mode.

View and manage your Digi XBee devices

View all of your Digi XBee devices in one table, or if they are geolocated, you can switch to the map view and see the location of each one.

Digi XBee Studio also offers a more simple and step-by-step way to access the different functionality of the tool, including additional options for configuration, diagnostics, development, remote management and other utilities.

Proven experience and expert support

Our decades of embedded experience and millions of deployed devices tell our story; Digi is a trusted solutions provider dedicated to simplifying the way OEMs design, build, deploy and maintain secure connected products.

Digi Wireless Design Services (WDS) is an engineering team that provides additional connectivity integration support, certification assistance, and custom design and build services to get your products to market smarter and faster.

Digi XBee 工具

开发、构建、部署和管理Digi XBee 网络

Digi XBee® 工具

Digi XBee 工具支持整个IoT 应用生命周期,从评估、测试和原型设计阶段到制造和部署,再到长期网络管理。了解Digi XBee 工具如何简化任务并帮助更快地进入市场。

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Digi XBee 生态系统

探索Digi XBee 生态系统

Digi XBee 不仅仅是一个模块。它是一个由射频模块、网关、适配器和软件组成的完整生态系统,所有设计都是为了加快全球部署的无线开发。只需一个插座,您就可以连接到全球各地的IoT 网络。凭借Digi XBee 的正宗足迹,您的设计可以面向未来,并知道 Digi 会在新技术出现时为您提供支持。

Digi XBee 生态系统

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