基础设施管理 工业自动化 USB 连接 串行连接 控制台服务器

Discover & Connect
Effortlessly: Digi Navigator™
for Seamless Device Setup

Digi Navigator Discovers and Configures
Digi Connect® EZ Devices in Minutes

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Experience effortless device configuration with Digi Navigator™—the ultimate solution for your Digi Connect® EZ family of products. Follow our step-by-step instructions for quick and easy installation of your device and terminal servers. Say goodbye to manual setups and hello to streamlined configuration possibilities.

Connect Fast. Connect Securely.

1. Watch the Video

Start by watching the short video tutorial provided by Digi. This video will walk you through the process of configuring your Digi Connect EZ device using Digi Navigator. Take note of the instructions and key steps mentioned in the video.

4. Launch Digi Navigator

After the installation is complete, locate the Digi Navigator application on your computer. Launch the software by double-clicking on the Digi Navigator icon.

2. Download Digi Navigator

Click to download the Digi Navigator software.

5. Configure Device

With Digi Navigator launched and your Digi Connect EZ device connected to the same network, select the device to configure. Utilize either the built-in intelligent defaults, or specify your own configuration. Digi’s patented RealPort® software is built in, and configurable directly from the Digi Navigator interface. Each device requires the unique password found on the device label.

3. Install Digi Navigator

Once the Digi Navigator software is downloaded, locate the installer file and run it. Follow the onscreen prompts to install Digi Navigator on your computer.

6. Test the Configuration

Once you have completed the configuration process using Digi Navigator, it’s recommended to test the settings to ensure everything is working correctly.

Fulton County Schools

Using Digi Navigator to Get Started with Digi Connect EZ

Digi Connect EZ 简介

Digi Connect EZ 简介

Configure Realport

How to Configure Realport® for Serial Communication

Do you need further assistance?
Contact a Digi expert to help to get you connected in no time
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