零售:2020 年及以后的无线销售点趋势

Digi 国际 Digi International
January 10, 2020

销售点终端市场正在不断增长。最近的一份报告显示,到 2022 年,销售点终端市场的总价值将接近 1000 亿美元。在数字时代,消费者更青睐信用卡、借记卡以及 Apple Pay 等支付应用程序带来的便利。现金正在减少,在瑞典等一些国家,传统货币几乎绝迹。想要保持优势的零售商必须适应市场,而对许多零售商来说,越来越先进的 POS 和无线 POS(WPOS)终端就是解决方案。


无线销售点系统是一种手持式 POS 设备,可以随身携带。简单地说,它们不需要有线连接,这样商家的员工就可以把交易系统放在口袋或围裙里,或者直接在柜台后面向顾客展示。这些系统通常以无线方式连接到基站,其功能与有线系统完全相同。如今,WPOS 系统可以是员工手机上的一个小工具,但更常见的是供应商完整解决方案的一部分,包括手持设备或 iPad 以及软件管理系统。

POS 和 WPOS 的发展趋势


POS technology has advanced dramatically in the last 10 years. Brick and mortar retailers today have a range of enhanced features at their fingertips to help them compete with their online counterparts, and both artificial intelligence and machine learning will play a greater role over time. Based on shopping habits, POS systems can segment customers into groups for targeted marketing promotions. These systems can also keep the retailer apprised of unsold products taking up shelf space, to support more proactive inventory management.
POS systems can also improve staffing management by identifying the businesses’ busiest hours and making predictions about when the next rush will occur. These recommendations will get better over time, too. Every month that you use a “smart” POS terminal is another month of data that the system can analyze to improve its predictive capabilities.



云计算还使多店铺管理变得更加容易。支持云计算的 POS 系统可以连接地理位置分散的终端,提供对汇总销售数据和薪资信息的访问。此外,云终端更易于更新。云解决方案,如 Digi Remote Manager® ,您可以一次性快速将更改推送到所有终端,而无需手动更改每个终端。



蜂窝网络故障切换保护可使零售 POS 系统在主连接中断时自动切换到冗余或备用网络连接。任何使用销售点终端的企业都应避免业务中断的风险,方法包括 蜂窝故障切换保护 在他们的 POS 部署中。 

4.手持式 WPOS 系统

无线销售点系统(WPOS)越来越成为许多情况下的最佳解决方案。例如,在室外餐厅,顾客不付款就离开的风险较大,服务员可以携带一个手持设备,通过 Wi-Fi 与现场 POS 系统连接,在顾客点餐时向其收费。咖啡馆如果在高峰时段出现拥堵,可以让巡回咖啡师使用移动设备接受订单并处理付款,从而减轻收银员的负担,为顾客节省时间。


新一代 WPOS 系统既经济实惠又经久耐用。除了减少客户等待时间和提高业务效率外,这些系统还有许多优点。降低成本是最明显的。此外,无线系统所需的设备更少,维护成本更低,因此 WPOS 是明智而经济的选择。


With the right technology on your side, you will be ready for what’s next. What if you could use data gathered from your POS systems to increase your sales conversion rate by 10% or more? If a computer crash wipes your hard drives but you’ve got all of your data backed up on the cloud, getting your store up and running is that much simpler.

Digi can support your business today with cellular extenders to ensure you are always connected, as well as out-of-band access for your IT team to troubleshoot your retail system connectivity from anywhere. Contact us today to learn about Digi solutions for Retail.

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