Implementing MACsec (802.1AE) at the Edge: "Last Foot" Security for Electricity Distribution

To address the potential for network intrusions and damage, and harden the security posture for utilities firms, Digi has worked with SEL and integrated the Media Access Control Security (MACsec) protocol within its products.

Implementing MACsec (802.1AE) at the Edge:


To address the potential for network intrusions and damage, and harden the security posture for utilities firms, Digi has worked with SEL and integrated the Media Access Control Security (MACsec) protocol within its products.


MACsec is used in combination with other security protocols, such as IP Security (IPsec) and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), to provide end-to-end network security. It is used to protect network-to-network or device-to-network connections.


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