

Digi 被全球领先的石油和天然气公司用于连接来自传感器和 SCADA 系统的远程现场数据。从优化储油层、生产和钻井作业到安全保证和资产管理与维护,能源公司必须成功解决日益增多的业务和技术问题。如今,勘探和开采公司正在努力降低风险、提高生产率并削减勘探和生产成本。

Digi 的数字油田技术使公司能够从石油和天然气价值链的各个环节更频繁地获取更多数据,并对其进行近乎实时的分析,从而优化油藏、油井和设施的性能。其结果是:高度可靠的数据馈送、资产可视性、更高的运营效率以及更高的安全和环境保护。

Equipment Reliability and Longevity
New extraction techniques—and a greater reliance on sophisticated technology—lead market analysts to predict that M2M device usage will nearly triple over the next four years. But how can you efficiently manage those devices? How long can that equipment reliably operate in such harsh environments?

Greater Automation
High-risk conditions, remote locations and a shortage of trained workers in the E&P industry means the demand for automation is growing. Sensors can provide safer and more accurate data capture. But how can you transmit that data across long distances in noisy RF environments?

Increased Safety
Operators want to know how to ensure workplace safety and environmental protections—and prevent fires, spills, leaks and other hazards. More data typically translates into greater effectiveness. But how can you capture that data in a timely, reliable manner?

Operational Efficiency
Producers strive to protect profit margins that are under greater pressure than ever. That means more accurate billing, loss prevention and smarter maintenance strategies to prevent equipment failures. How can you be more efficient and lower your operating costs?

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