Digi 的 SmartSense

Deploy remote monitoring solutions that provide actionable insights and alerts to protect your business. From commercial kitchens to hospitals, restaurants, and fleets, SmartSense solutions supports your monitoring and compliance requirements.

The Insights Platform for Proactive Enterprises

SmartSense 利用免接线传感器和强大的分析功能,推动卓越运营,提高效率和合规性,保持质量控制,并在公共卫生风险或产品库存损失之前快速响应问题。

SmartSense offers enterprise IoT solutions for food safety, facilities monitoring, pharmaceutical safety, and supply chain visibility. Each solution is built to provide the flexibility and control you need to ensure brand standards, protect your customers, and eliminate inventory loss.

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Securing the Supply Chain for Food Service, Laboratory Research, and Vaccine Administration

IoT-enabled Sensing-as-a-Service solutions offer valuable insights and automated, prescriptive workflows that empower employees to protect supply chain assets in real time. In this post, we examine three supply chain networks that clearly demonstrate the benefits of implementing a digitalized monitoring system: retail food service, laboratory research, and vaccine administration.

Deploy Real-Time Monitoring Solutions
That Prepare You for What’s Next