Meet the latest Digi industrial router solution, purpose built for data-intensive applications at the edge including Industry 4.0, manufacturing, utilities, SCADA, DERMS and predictive maintenance.





Introducing the Digi IX40 5G Industrial Edge Computing Solution for Automation and Control

Feb 12, 2024 | Length: 2:33

Meet the latest Digi industrial router solution, purpose built for data-intensive applications at the edge including Industry 4.0, manufacturing, utilities, SCADA, DERMS and predictive maintenance.

Digi IX40 is here. This high-performance 5G cellular router solution supports near real-time communications at the edge for the most data-intensive applications. Optimized for edge computing and the fastest network connectivity available today, this industrial IoT solution is secure, always on and integrates Digi Remote Manager® for remote configuration, monitoring and control.

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