Motors for HVAC systems are traditionally heavy, expensive to maintain and very noisy. One Digi customer decided it was time to build a smarter HVAC motor that is lighter, quieter and more sustainable using Digi embedded wireless technology for fast time-to-market.





Building Smart HVACs with Digi XBee Cellular

Jan 26, 2024 | Length: 1:20

Motors for HVAC systems are traditionally heavy, expensive to maintain and very noisy. One Digi customer decided it was time to build a smarter HVAC motor that is lighter, quieter and more sustainable using Digi embedded wireless technology for fast time-to-market.

Watch our short video to learn how Digi XBee Cellular LTE-M/NB-IoT modems
supported the rapid development and go-to-market plans of this innovative OEM as they
built a next-generation motor for smart HVACs.

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