如今,Digi XBee® 模块已在全球数以百万计的应用中得到部署,从多种不同的农业应用到机器人、城市道路照明、交通运输以及广泛的工业用例。了解这一令人难以置信的现象背后的原因。





Digi XBee 价值主张: 向专家学习

Oct 30, 2023 | Length: 10:47

如今,Digi XBee® 模块已在全球数以百万计的应用中得到部署,从多种不同的农业应用到机器人、城市道路照明、交通运输以及广泛的工业用例。了解这一令人难以置信的现象背后的原因。

Watch our video to learn from two experts as they share the unique value of the Digi XBee family — which includes a broad selection of XBee RF and XBee cellular modules and a complete ecosystem of tools, protocols, security and scalability features, and the long-standing XBee form factors. The mighty XBee helps developers get to market quickly and manage and future-proof their deployments for their entire extended lifetime.

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