

Lighting the streets and public spaces in cities around the globe is one of the biggest expenses for local governments. Digi wirelessly enables intelligent street lighting systems that remotely monitor and manage pertinent electrical parameters and control the light in a variety of ways – from dimming the lights during peak hours to setting schedules so groups of lights can be turned on and off at set times to conserve energy. With intelligence at the lamp, these systems can also send alerts when something goes wrong. This eliminates the need to physically inspect the system on a regular basis which greatly reduces maintenance costs.

Optimize Safety & Security
Connecting lighting assets across a metropolitan area allows cities to monitor the status of lamps on roadways, parks, transit stations and other public areas.

Lower Operational Costs
By enabling communication and centralized control of lights, cities can reduce energy consumption, improve maintenance and lower CO2 emissions.

Predictive Maintenance
With intelligence at the lamp level, maintenance departments can schedule maintenance resources more effectively.

与 Digi 联系
Digi 专家可以回答您的IoT 问题,帮助您找到适合您需求的技术解决方案,或提供增值服务,协助您设计、开发和部署IoT 解决方案。


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