通过 Digi XBee3 Cellular 系列嵌入式调制解调器,开发人员可以将 Digi XBee3 生态系统的强大功能和灵活性与最新的 4G 蜂窝技术结合起来。了解如何更快地将 4G 蜂窝技术嵌入到设备和应用中,而无需进行耗时、昂贵的 FCC 和运营商终端设备认证。





Digi XBee3 蜂窝嵌入式调制解调器

Mar 07, 2018 | Length: 1:55

通过 Digi XBee3 Cellular 系列嵌入式调制解调器,开发人员可以将 Digi XBee3 生态系统的强大功能和灵活性与最新的 4G 蜂窝技术结合起来。了解如何更快地将 4G 蜂窝技术嵌入到设备和应用中,而无需进行耗时、昂贵的 FCC 和运营商终端设备认证。

When considering embedded cellular connectivity, be sure to consider all of the additional
components and work involved in bringing your design to fruition. If time to market and ease of use are vital to your project, be sure to evaluate the Digi XBee3 Cellular development kit, which includes a Digi XBee3 end-device-certified modem,a development board, a pre-activated SIM, a live data plan with six months of free data service, and the antennas and accessories needed to get your cellular device up and running in minutes.

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