







Ignition Edge for Digi IX40 Ignition Edge for Digi IX40 Today, companies want to capture, process, and send only critical data from the remote edge of the network to a centralized repository or broker for sharing data across the enterprise. To respond to these needs, Digi and Inductive Automation have teamed up to integrate IA’s Ignition Edge IIoT® into the Digi IX40 line of 4G/5G cellular routers. 查看 PDF Enhanced Privacy and Security with Digi Mobile VPN Enhanced Privacy and Security with Digi Mobile VPN Watch our recorded webinar with Digi International’s Field Applications Engineer Manager, Patrick Kelly, for an informative... RECORDED TECH TALK Private Cellular Network Connectivity Solution in a Box Private Cellular Network Connectivity Solution in a Box By managing their own private cellular network, utilities can increase security and decrease costs. Learn more about the Digi... 观看视频 Introducing Digi IX40: 5G Edge Computing Cellular Router Solution, Purpose-built for Industry 4.0 Introducing Digi IX40: 5G Edge Computing Cellular Router Solution, Purpose-built for Industry 4.0 Digi IX40 provides provides powerful edge intelligence and takes advantage of high-speed networks by placing computing power in... 阅读博客 IoT in Manufacturing: Applications and Benefits of Smart Factories IoT in Manufacturing: Applications and Benefits of Smart Factories The IoT and advanced technologies are transforming the manufacturing industry and powering a massive digital transformation... 阅读博客 6G 何时到来,对 5G 和 4G LTE 意味着什么? 6G 何时到来,对 5G 和 4G LTE 意味着什么? 6G 预计将于 2030 年投入商用。商用准备就绪的步骤包括在 2024-2025 年转向 5G 先进... 阅读博客 专用网络的优势和用例 专用网络的优势和用例 当公共 LTE 或 Wi-Fi 网络不可用或不实用时,专用私人网络可能是最佳选择。 观看视频 充分利用远程管理的力量IoT 充分利用远程管理的力量IoT 如何管理物联网 (IoT) 部署中成百上千的设备?有了Digi Remote Manager... 录制的网络研讨会 工业IoT 解决方案和应用 工业IoT 解决方案和应用 满足不同行业需求的连接和嵌入式解决方案 查看 PDF 基于 CBRS 的专用 LTE 基于 CBRS 的专用 LTE 由于覆盖或容量问题有时会限制公共 LTE 或 Wi-Fi 网络的可用性,美国的组织机构越来越多地转向公民宽带无线服务(CBRS)。 了解更多 什么是工业IoT (IIoT)?定义、用例和应用示例 什么是工业IoT (IIoT)?定义、用例和应用示例 工业物联网是指在工业应用中使用联网的智能设备,以达到以下目的:... 阅读博客

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