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Digi XBee 移动 SDK

创建可通过蓝牙与Digi XBee 模块连接的移动应用程序


Digi XBee 移动 SDK 包括

  • 文档齐全的应用程序接口,可处理复杂的蓝牙验证、加密和通信过程
  • 简化移动应用程序开发的两个库:
    • Digi XBee 库,用于 Xamarin,使用 C# 开发本地跨平台(iOS 和 Android)移动应用程序
    • Digi XBee Android 库,用于使用 Java 开发本地 Android 应用程序
  • 综合文件
  • 两个图书馆的应用示例

Digi XBee® Mobile SDK is a set of libraries, code examples and documentation designed to simplify the creation of iOS and Android mobile apps that interact with Digi XBee 3 modules via Bluetooth.

Bluetooth enables local connectivity to Digi XBee modules via a mobile device to streamline network deployment, configuration and troubleshooting.

BLE can also be used as a communication channel to create a Human Machine Interface (HMI) in a smartphone or tablet to monitor and control a device that does not have a display.

Digi XBee Mobile SDK helps speed up the development of mobile applications that interact with Digi XBee devices over the Bluetooth Low Energy interface.

Access to the software libraries, examples and documentation can be found on the Digi support site.

Custom Bluetooth App Examples

  • Configure Digi XBee firmware settings during deployment
  • Exchange data between a mobile application and a MicroPython application running on Digi XBee 3
  • Exchange data between a mobile application and the host micro-controller


Digi XBee 工具

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