SmartSense by Digi 任命 Joel Vengco 为医疗保健咨询委员会成员

Industry Leader to Expand on Board’s Technology Expertise, Impact Across Healthcare

BOSTON, March 8, 2023 SmartSense by Digi®, part of Digi International (NASDAQ: DGII, and a leading global provider of Internet of Things (IoT) connectivity solutions, today announced the appointment of Joel Vengco, Senior Vice President and Chief Information and Digital Officer at Hartford HealthCare, to its Healthcare Advisory Board. The SmartSense Healthcare Advisory Board launched in August 2022 to help organizations mitigate operational risk, streamline standard operating procedures and simplify compliance. Vengco joins five other Board members from St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, University of Mississippi Medical Center, and Rite Aid.

“The healthcare sector’s digital transformation is constantly opening new doors to impactful therapeutic outcomes and operational efficiency,” said Vengco. “It’s critical for industry leaders to establish open lines of communication and create opportunities for cross-sector collaboration. I look forward to working with the SmartSense Healthcare Advisory Board to reimagine how healthcare can be more accessible, equitable, personalized, and predictable through the power of IoT solutions.”

Vengco brings more than a decade of healthcare technology experience to the SmartSense Healthcare Advisory Board. Prior to his current role with Hartford HealthCare, he served as the Senior Vice President and Chief Information and Digital Officer at Baystate Health from 2012 to 2022. Vengco also held senior positions with GE Healthcare, Boston Medical Center, and Partners Healthcare System throughout his career. He is a 10-time Becker’s Hospital Review “Top 100 CIOs to Know” honoree.

“We’re absolutely thrilled to have Joel Vengco join the SmartSense Healthcare Advisory Board,” said Guy Yehiav, President of SmartSense by Digi. “Joel’s experience will help ensure the Board continues to execute its mission and identify new industry challenges that can be addressed through the integrated adoption of IoT solutions.”

Vengco will join the SmartSense Healthcare Advisory Board during its next meeting on March 9, 2023. The Board’s expansion will bring new perspective and educational opportunities to healthcare organizations seeking to improve efficiency, patient care, and safety.

关于 Digi International

(纳斯达克股票代码:DGII)是全球领先的业务和关键任务物联网(IoT )连接产品和解决方案供应商。我们帮助客户创建下一代互联产品和解决方案,以高水平的安全性、无懈可击的可靠性和防弹性能,在苛刻的环境中部署、监控和管理关键通信基础设施和合规标准。公司成立于 1985 年,目前已帮助客户连接了超过 1 亿个设备,并且还在不断增长。欲了解更多信息,请访问。

关于 SmartSense by Digi

SmartSense by Digi® 是 Digi International(纳斯达克股票代码:DGII)旗下的一个业务部门,是全球领先的物联网 (IoT) 传感即服务解决方案提供商,可为各主要垂直行业提供动态和个性化的资产监控、流程数字化和数字决策。该公司使企业能够利用IoT 自动化、规范性工作流程和深入分析的力量,确保合规性、员工生产力、品牌忠诚度、损失预防以及减少浪费和能源消耗。SmartSense 将创新的数据驱动方法与世界一流的IoT 工具相结合,与企业合作将其业务成果和资产保护提升到新的高度。欲了解更多信息,请访问 。