Digi International 签订经修订和重述的信贷协议


明尼苏达州霍普金斯(2021年3月19日) --全球领先的商业和关键任务物联网(IoT")连接产品、服务和解决方案提供商Digi International Inc.(纳斯达克股票代码:DGII)今天宣布,该公司已与作为行政代理和抵押代理的BMO Harris Bank N.A.签订了一份经修订和重述的信贷协议。

新的信贷机制为 Digi 提供了一笔高级担保信贷机制,包括一笔 2 亿美元的高级担保循环信贷机制,并可选择再增加 7500 万美元。 它取代了包括 4,800 万美元 A 期贷款余额和 1 亿美元高级担保循环贷款的现有信贷机制。

“We are excited with the greater flexibility provided by our bank group and this new credit agreement,” said Jamie Loch, Senior Vice President, CFO, and Treasurer. “By converting our Term A debt into a revolver we gain greater flexibility.  And the expansion of our borrowing capability can help Digi to accelerate our growth plans, both organically and inorganically.”
Subject to the terms of the facility, Digi may use borrowings for working capital, capital expenditures, restricted payments, acquisitions and other general corporate purposes.

协议各方包括作为联合牵头安排人和唯一簿记管理人的 BMO Capital Markets Corp、作为联合牵头安排人和银团代理的 Silicon Valley Bank 以及作为贷款人的 U.S. Bank 和 Citizens Bank。

修订和重列信贷协议的定价和利息与之前的信贷协议一致。经修订和重述的信贷协议条款可在提交给美国证券交易委员会的 8-K 表中的最新报告中找到,也可在我们网站www.digi.com的投资者部分找到。

About Digi International
Digi International (NASDAQ: DGII) is a leading global provider of IoT connectivity products, services and solutions. We help our customers create next-generation connected products, and deploy and manage critical communications infrastructures in demanding environments with high levels of security and reliability. Founded in 1985, we’ve helped our customers connect over 100 million things and growing. For more information, visit Digi's website at www.digi.com, or call 877–912–3444 (U.S.) or 952–912–3444 (International).

Investor Contact:
James J. Loch
Senior Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer
Digi International
Email: jamie.loch@digi.com