了解一家全球连锁酒店如何使用 Digi Edgeport® 连接 240k+ 操作系统。





利用 Digi Edgeport® 连接 240k+ 酒店操作系统

Oct 19, 2022 | Length: 00:55

了解一家全球连锁酒店如何使用 Digi Edgeport® 连接 240k+ 操作系统。

This short video shows how a global hotel chain used Digi Edgeport® USB-to-serial converters to connect more than 240,000 monitors, card readers, printers, and room key allocating devices — all with little to no downtime — to improve the guest experience.

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USB over IP: Enabling Flexible Network Connectivity and Service for Smart Devices
USB is a popular option for connecting to smart devices. But it does have its challenges. Download this white paper to read how Digi AnywhereUSB® Plus solves them.

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