Ranch Systems 利用Digi XBee 提供基于云的农业自动化服务

Ranch Systems
"We tried to create our own FCC-licensed radio product, but it was a big drain on our engineering resources, and we weren’t totally happy with the performance. Digi's robustness was far better than the other alternatives we evaluated."

Jacob Christfort, Founder

Ranch Systems 成立于 2005 年,为农业环境中的现场监控提供无线解决方案。这些解决方案的范围很广,从监控单个温度传感器或油箱液位的蜂窝节点,到对整个农场生产和运营系统进行实时无线监控的复杂的全农场网络。借助Digi XBee PRO® 无线模块,Ranch Systems 可以实现智能化和自动化,从而提高产量并降低成本。


Across Northern California, winemakers cultivate countless varieties of grapes that they transform into lucrative, world-class wines. Of course, during the growing season, those crops are susceptible to even slight variations in conditions — temperature, sun exposure, soil moisture, wind, and more. That means farmers must constantly monitor every row of every acre of every vineyard and constantly adjust fertilizer, crop protection, and irrigation to optimize the quality and yield of their harvests.

据 Ranch Systems 公司创始人雅各布-克里斯福特(Jacob Christfort)称,保护和优化作物是几乎所有种植高价值作物的农场面临的头号挑战。"他说:"无论是葡萄、橄榄还是水果、椰枣或坚果,所面临的挑战大致相同:确保一致、精确的条件和优化的灌溉控制。"当我们与纳帕和索诺玛的农民交谈时,他们对监控田地和控制作物状况的能力表示出浓厚的兴趣。大多数人都尝试过其他方法,但都放弃了,因为它们涉及各种孤立的系统,难以管理和维护。没有集中的解决方案来监控和协调施肥和灌溉。



Aiming to bring new levels of intelligence and control to these sensitive processes, Ranch Systems created RanchMaster, a portfolio of six agricultural solutions all managed by a single platform: weather and climate, soil-moisture tracking, irrigation, tank/pond monitoring, remote cameras, and alerting. The suite combines a broad range of sensors and controllers with wireless connectivity — both WiFi and cellular — to both monitor conditions and instrument the farm’s equipment to manage and apply water, fertilizer, or other treatments; open and close tanks and valves; control pumps and engines; and send alerts, such as frost and heat alert warnings.

Ranch Systems 解决方案采用Digi XBee PRO 系列无线电设备,可提供同类最佳的无线范围。Digi XBee PRO 支持覆盖大多数农场地点的射频视距,数据传输速率高达 200 Kbps,是 Ranch Systems 农业应用的理想之选。

According to Christfort, Digi was the ideal choice for these demanding systems. “We tried to create our own FCC-licensed radio product, but it was a big drain on our engineering resources, and we weren’t totally happy with the performance,” he said. “We realized that the data logging and field nodes and those functions were where we should spend our time and talent — not on radio connectivity.”


Christfort 指出,Digi 在可靠性和价值方面的声誉是实至名归的。"他说:"我们已经使用 Digi 10 年了,他们的经验确实让我们受益匪浅。"这是一款有据可查、久经考验的产品,范围广、性能好、价格优。其坚固性远远优于我们评估过的其他替代产品。我们最初并不知道 Digi 的产品生命周期很长,但这是它的一大优势。他们已经推出了一系列使用相同外形尺寸的调制解调器,因此我们不需要为升级产品而改变设计。

虽然数据量不一定很大,但价值很高。Ranch Systems 应用程序经常每 5 或 10 分钟从节点轮询一次数据,以确保现场情况的最高一致性。"我们非常欣赏网状网络架构,"Christfort 说。"我们的系统在节点之间使用无线电连接,因此在阀门和传感器密度较高的农场,无线电连接能以可行、经济的方式从设备中获取数据。然后使用蜂窝连接将所有数据从现场发送到中央服务器,以便对设备和事件进行监控、分析和后续协调。

Ranch Systems 部署了 5,000 多个站点,在全球拥有 1,000 多家农场客户,其 Digi 支持的解决方案正在优化高价值农业。"我们很高兴有 Digi 这样一个可靠的合作伙伴,使我们的系统能够为客户提供如此可靠的服务。

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