
"It is simple. The machines are telling us when a unique automobile pulls up to the meter, cross-references the car with our backend database and automatically issues a ticket if there is a violation … We are saving labor costs across the board and enabling easier payment options for our customers."



地方政府机构通常报告称,与停车计时器跟踪相关的成本很高,从劳动力成本到因未能及时发现违规停车计时器而造成的收入损失。各机构需要能够对停车进行 "按需 "计费,同时降低总体成本结构。


Digi Wireless Design Services worked with the customer to create an intelligent parking meter that enables cloud-based violation detection and payment. Designed for extreme weather environments (-40° C to 70° C range), vandal deterrence and regulatory compliance (ADA, ETL/CSA), this solution was created to read the license plates of parked cars to optimize violation management.

The metering system is integrated into the DOT database and has individual asset recognition capabilities and comes with remote software updates & debugging. The system was designed to issue tickets on-site when time expires on parked cars enabling the citizens to pay at the station.


Intelligent parking meter that enables cloud-based violation detection and payment which has led to municipalities reporting up to a 40% increase in revenue collection by automating the meter and violation payments process.

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