Digi International 公布 2021 财年第三季度业绩

Double Digit Growth Leads to Record Quarterly Revenue of $79.1M

ARR Growth Outpaces Revenue Growth

Acquisition of Ctek

(Minneapolis, MN, August 4, 2021) - Digi International® Inc. (Nasdaq: DGII), a leading global provider of business and mission critical Internet of Things ("IoT") products, services and solutions, today announced its financial results for its third fiscal quarter ended June 30, 2021.

“Record quarterly revenues and record annual recurring revenues of $36.0 million headlined our third fiscal quarter," said Ron Konezny, President and Chief Executive Officer. "Demand for Digi’s solutions and products, enabling secure, automated and zero touch applications, was at an all-time high, as bookings surpassed our ability to fulfill all orders in a challenging supply chain environment. We welcome the Ctek team into our Infrastructure Management family, addressing the remote monitoring and control needs of our industrial customers. A heartfelt thank you to my outstanding teammates, as we put our customers first while fighting through the dynamic supply chain challenges and evolving pandemic.”

Third Fiscal Quarter 2021 Results Compared to Third Fiscal Quarter 2020 Results

  • Revenue increased to $79.1 million, or an increase of 12.4%.
  • Gross margin was 53.8% versus 53.1% of revenue.Gross margin excluding amortization was 55.2% versus 54.8% of revenue.
  • Net income per diluted share increased to $0.09, or an increase of 50.0%.
  • Adjusted EPS increased to $0.25 per diluted share, or an increase of 8.7%.
  • Adjusted EBITDA increased to $11.6 million, or an increase of 9.9%.

本新闻稿末尾载有 GAAP 和非 GAAP 财务指标的调节表。


IoT 产品与服务

The segment's third fiscal quarter 2021 revenues of $66.8 million increased 5.3% from the same period in the prior fiscal year and increased 1.8% from the previous fiscal quarter.  This increase from the prior year fiscal quarter is primarily attributable to revenue from our console server and embedded products.  Annualized Recurring Revenue, or ARR, grew 13% from prior year to approximately $13 million. Gross profit margin increased 170 basis points to 55.1% of revenues for the third fiscal quarter of 2021 primarily due to favorable mix within and among our console server, cellular router, embedded, and Xbee® products partially offset by increased production and distribution costs driven by the global supply challenges.  Operating income of $6.1 million decreased 5.9% from the same period in the prior fiscal year.

IoT 解决方案

The segment's third fiscal quarter 2021 revenues of $12.3 million increased 78.6% from the same period in the prior fiscal year and increased 5.1% from the previous fiscal quarter.  This increase from the prior year fiscal quarter was driven by hardware installations with new and existing customers and increased subscription revenue. Annualized Recurring Revenue, or ARR, grew nearly 37% from prior year to over $23 million. We now service over 79,000 sites as of June 30, 2021, compared to nearly 69,000 sites as of June 30, 2020.  Gross profit margin decreased 330 basis points compared to the prior year third fiscal quarter. This is due to volume growth in hardware installations that carry a lower gross margin than subscriptions and increased material and overhead expenses associated with the production and distribution of our products as a result of global supply challenges.  Operating loss of $2.1 million in the third quarter of fiscal 2021 improved $1.5 million, or 42.6%, versus the $3.6 million operating loss from the same period in the prior fiscal year.

Fiscal 2021 Fourth Quarter Guidance

We anticipate the current supply chain challenges to continue into the fourth fiscal quarter and beyond. High demand for Digi products and services will be tempered by access to key components. For the fourth fiscal quarter 2021, Digi projects revenue to be in a range of $75 million to $79 million, or approximately 3%-8% annual growth. Adjusted EBITDA is projected to be in a range of $10.9 million to $11.9 million. With a diluted share count of 35.1 million shares, we projected EPS to be in a range of $0.07 to $0.09 per diluted share, while our adjusted EPS is projected to be in a range of $0.23 to $0.25 per diluted share.

Third Fiscal Quarter 2021 Conference Call Details

As announced on July 8, 2021, Digi will discuss its third fiscal quarter 2021 results on a conference call on Wednesday, August 4, 2021 after market close at 5:00 p.m. ET (4:00 p.m. CT).  The call will be hosted by Ron Konezny, President and Chief Executive Officer and Jamie Loch, Chief Financial Officer.

Digi invites all those interested in hearing management's discussion of its quarter to access a live webcast of the conference call through the investor relations section of Digi's website at www.digi.com.  Participants may also join the call directly by dialing (855) 638-5675 and entering passcode 6351355.  International participants may access the call by dialing (262) 912-4765 and entering passcode 6351355. International participants may access the call by dialing (262) 912-4765 and entering conference ID 6351355. A replay will be available for one week, within approximately three hours after the completion of the call. You may access the replay via webcast through the investor relations section of Digi’s website. Or, you may access the replay via phone by dialing (855) 859-2056 for domestic participants or (404) 537-3406 for international participants and entering access code 6351355 when prompted.

您可以通过 Digi 网站www.digi.com 的 "投资者关系 "部分的 "财务新闻稿 "页面查阅本财报。


关于 Digi International

Digi International(纳斯达克股票代码:DGII)是全球领先的IoT 连接产品、服务和解决方案提供商。 我们帮助客户创造下一代连接产品,在高要求环境中部署和管理关键通信基础设施,并提供高水平的安全性和可靠性。 公司成立于 1985 年,目前已帮助客户连接了 1 亿多个设备,而且还在不断增长。 欲了解更多信息,请访问 Digi 网站 www.digi.com,或致电 877-912-3444(美国)或 952-912-3444(国际)。


本新闻稿包含基于管理层当前预期和假设的前瞻性陈述。 这些声明通常可以通过使用前瞻性术语来识别,如 "假设"、"相信"、"预计"、"打算"、"估计"、"目标"、"可能"、"将"、"期望"、"计划"、"潜在"、"项目"、"应该 "或 "继续",或其反义词或其他变体或类似术语。 除其他事项外,这些声明涉及对 Digi 所处商业环境的预期、对未来业绩的预测、对市场机遇的看法以及有关我们使命和愿景的声明。 这些声明并不是对未来业绩的保证,其中包含一定的风险、不确定性和假设。 除其他外,这些风险包括:与正在发生的 COVID-19 大流行病有关的风险以及为缓解该流行病所做的努力;与全球经济波动有关的风险以及像我们这样的公司在这种情况下运营全球业务的能力;当前的供应链和航运市场压力对制造和分销时间表以及全球众多公司的运营成本产生了负面影响;我们公司所处的市场竞争激烈、技术的快速变化可能会取代我们销售的产品、网络产品价格的下降、我们对分销商和其他第三方销售我们产品的依赖、大量采购订单被取消或变更的可能性、产品开发工作的延误、用户对我们产品接受程度的不确定性、以商业上可接受的方式将我们的产品和服务与其他方的产品和服务进行整合的能力、如果我们的任何产品存在设计或制造缺陷,可能会产生潜在的责任;我们为任何诉讼辩护或圆满解决的能力;全球经济状况和世界特定地区经济状况的不确定性(这可能会对产品需求以及客户和供应商的财务偿付能力产生负面影响);自然灾害的影响;以及可能对我们的供应链和客户产生负面影响的其他我们无法控制的事件、与结构调整、重组或其他类似业务举措相关的潜在意外后果,这些后果可能会影响我们留住重要员工的能力,或以其他意外和不利的方式影响我们的运营;实现与收购或资产剥离相关的预期收益和协同效应的能力;以及我们的收入水平或盈利能力的变化,这些变化可能会因许多我们无法控制的原因而波动。 这些及其他风险、不确定性和我们不时向美国证券交易委员会提交的文件(包括但不限于截至 2020 年 9 月 30 日的 10-K 表年报和其他文件)中确定的假设,可能会导致我们的实际结果与我们或代表我们做出的任何前瞻性声明中表述的结果大相径庭。 其中许多因素超出了我们的控制或预测能力。 这些前瞻性表述仅适用于表述当日。 我们否认有任何意图或义务更新任何前瞻性声明,无论是由于新信息、未来事件或其他原因。



我们知道,非美国通用会计准则的使用存在重大限制。 在分析财务业绩时,非美国通用会计准则(Non-GAAP)指标不能替代净收入等美国通用会计准则(GAAP)指标。 这些指标的披露并不反映 Digi 实际确认的所有费用和收益。 这些非美国通用会计准则(Non-GAAP)衡量标准不符合公认会计原则,也不能替代按照公认会计原则编制的衡量标准,而且可能不同于其他公司使用的非美国通用会计准则(Non-GAAP)衡量标准,也不同于我们在以前的报告中介绍的非美国通用会计准则(Non-GAAP)衡量标准。 此外,这些非美国通用会计准则衡量标准并非基于任何一套全面的会计规则或原则。 我们认为,非美国通用会计准则衡量标准有其局限性,因为它们不能反映按照美国通用会计准则确定的与我们的运营结果相关的所有金额。 我们认为,这些指标只能与相应的公认会计准则指标一起用于评估我们的运营结果。 此外,调整后 EBITDA 并不反映我们的现金支出、更换折旧资产和摊销资产的现金需求,也不反映我们营运资金需求的变化或现金需求。

我们相信,在提供历史净利润和调整后净利润以及调整后摊薄后每股净利润时,如果不包括税收准备金转回、离散税收优惠、重组费用及转回、无形资产摊销、股票薪酬、其他营业外收入/支出、或有对价公允价值变动、收购相关费用以及与收购相关的利息支出等项目,投资者就可以将业绩与不包括这些项目的前期进行比较。 管理层使用上述非美国通用会计准则衡量标准来监控和评估持续经营业绩和趋势,并了解我们的比较经营业绩。 此外,我们的某些股东表示希望看到不包含这些事项影响的财务业绩指标,这些事项虽然重要,但对我们的核心业务运营并不重要。 管理层认为,调整后息税折旧摊销前利润(定义为息税折旧摊销前利润,根据股票薪酬费用、收购相关费用、重组费用和转回以及或有对价公允价值变动进行调整)有助于投资者评估我们的核心经营业绩和财务表现,因为它排除了简明合并运营报表中反映的重大非现金或非经常性项目。 我们认为,将调整后 EBITDA 按收入百分比列报非常有用,因为它提供了一种可靠、一致的方法来衡量我们每年的业绩,并将我们的业绩与其他公司的业绩进行对比评估。 我们相信这一信息有助于比较经营业绩和公司业绩,其中不包括我们的资本结构和资产收购方法的影响。


James J. Loch
Digi International

欲了解更多信息,请访问 Digi 网站 www.digi.com,或致电 877-912-3444(美国)或 952-912-3444(国际)。