Digi 现场应用工程师经理 Martin Schulte-Hobein 展示了连接到 Microsoft Azure 云的Digi ConnectCore for 6UL,并解释了它如何能够识别任何类型的云应用。





利用Digi ConnectCore for i.MX6UL 连接到云应用程序

Jun 05, 2017 | Length: 0:50

Digi 现场应用工程师经理 Martin Schulte-Hobein 展示了连接到 Microsoft Azure 云的Digi ConnectCore for 6UL,并解释了它如何能够识别任何类型的云应用。

In this Digi ConnectCore for i.MX6UL demonstration, you see a connected application running on the cloud which can recognize the face and analyze the emotion of the person that is in front of the camera. The ConnectCore for 6UL module has been certified by Microsoft to be connected to the Microsoft Azure Cloud to realize any kind of cloud application.
Check out the ConnectCore for our 6UL module.

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Hi, my name is Martin. What we are showing here is the ConnectCore for 6UL module, connected to the Microsoft Azure Cloud. Microsoft has certified the ConnectCore for 6UL module to be connected to the Microsoft Azure Cloud to realize any kind of cloud application.

What we have in this particular demo, we have connected a temperature sensor, a small display, and a USB camera which is taking a picture of my face right now, and it's uploading the picture to the cloud. We have a very cool application running on the cloud which can recognize the face and analyze the emotion of the person that is in front of the camera.

If you want to know more about the ConnectCore for our 6UL module and the starter kit, you can go online to digi.com and get any information there.

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