关键任务交通管理解决方案的通信基础设施:Digi 白皮书

了解智能城市和智能交通系统 (ITS) 集团如何通过升级交通管理解决方案来改善交通路线和应急响应,同时降低成本。

Communications Infrastructure for Mission Critical Traffic Management Solutions: Digi White Paper cover page


了解智能城市和智能交通系统 (ITS) 集团如何通过升级交通管理解决方案来改善交通路线和应急响应,同时降低成本。


Cities today use a range of technologies to manage traffic signals, video cameras, RFID readers and more. The number and variety of these connected components is increasing, with the growth of intelligent transportation systems, the arrival of connected vehicle technology and the future of autonomous vehicles, resulting in an increasing demand for maximum network bandwidth and high availability communications. Department of Transportation teams can seamlessly upgrade their traffic management solutions to improve infrastructure, reduce cost and complexity, and ensure their mission critical traffic systems operate optimally. Read the white paper to learn how easy it can be to retrofit and improve the entire traffic ecosystem.


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