了解总部位于加利福尼亚州的 Vallarta Supermarkets 如何利用 Digi AnywhereUSB® Plus 找到在营业高峰期快速解决收银机故障的解决方案。





Vallarta Supermarkets 利用 Digi AnywhereUSB Plus 快速解决停电问题

Oct 21, 2022 | Length: 1:04

了解总部位于加利福尼亚州的 Vallarta Supermarkets 如何利用 Digi AnywhereUSB® Plus 找到在营业高峰期快速解决收银机故障的解决方案。

Watch this short video to see how Vallarta Supermarkets deployed Digi AnywhereUSB® Plus to gain seamless connectivity for their entire server and cashier system across 50 store locations.

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USB over IP: Enabling Flexible Network Connectivity and Service for Smart Devices
USB is a popular option for connecting to smart devices. But it does have its challenges. Download this white paper to read how Digi AnywhereUSB® Plus solves them.

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